
  • Should Parents Choose Career Paths For Their Children?

    Should Parents Choose Career Paths For Their children? this has grown to be a debate topic in different places including learning institutions, especially secondary school students. this is because they are yet, at their young stage of choosing a career path which is why teachers would prefer to have it as a debate topic for students to either oppose or support. this blog post is to provide comprehensive reasons why parents should not choose a career path for their kids with some key factors to consider.

    Should Parents Choose Career Paths For Their Kids?

    This question is a complex one and not straightforward when you try to provide an answer to it. this is due to its complexity but I shall provide some key factors that you must take into consideration in order to aid you in making an informed decision.

    Factors To Consider While Choosing Career Paths For Kids

    1. Autonomy and Self-Discovery

    Deciding for a career path is a subjective and personal one. however, it is more advisable when kids are given the chance to explore and expose themselves  in order to find the are of life which interests them the most. in this way, children can possibly go for the career path which they have passion for. it will also help them to discover what they can do best.

    2. Guidance and Support:

    As a result of the above, parents are rather expected to give guidance and support to their children while they choose their career path. with the help and guide from the parents, the children have a higher chances of making an informed decision.

    3. Age and Maturity:

    At some certain age, children are suppose to be given some freedom to make decisions especially when it concerns their live and/or future. this will make the children to understand that they are up-to-something and are to make their personal decision. in this way, they can decide to go for the career path that is more convenient to them.

    4. Balancing Interests and Realities

    Most parents chooses career path for their children due to the financial responsibility involved and the prospective challenges ahead. but it is more advisable if they rather play an advisory role to aid and guide them on their (children’s) chosen career paths in order to make it easier to understand what they are driving at. ‘s essential to strike a balance between encouraging a child’s passions and ensuring they are aware of the potential challenges and opportunities in their chosen field.

    5. Open Communication

    Having an open discussion with a child during his young stage could be very vital because it serves as a guide and encouragement from parents. parents on the other hand, are to be very attentive while listening to the child in order to discover where and when the child needs support and corrections.

    6. Encouraging Education

    In order to help a child make an informed decision about his career, it is vital and necessary that you keep telling them on the importance of education and skill development. this will help them learn and easily choose which field fits them the most.

    7. Respect for Individuality

    While making a choice of career path for a child, it i important to take cognizance of the fact that each child is born to perform his/her own unique role and for a particular purpose. this means that, parents are not to force their child into any profession just for their own selfish interest. what worked for others may not even work for them. so it is important to understand the child’s strength, weakness and interests and give them every support they may need from you as a parent.

    8. Adaptability

    It is important to understand that career paths are not always linear, meaning that individuals may change their minds as they live on. so it is advisable to encourage the kids to adaptability and continuous learning.


    Should Parents Choose Career Paths For Their Children? Not really, Parents should take the question of choosing a career path for their kids more seriously. they should however, adopt the idea of placing a balance between their choice and the interest of the child and ensure to provide them guidance, support, and respect for their child choice of career.


    1. Cost of Living In Port Harcourt Vs Lagos: Which One Is Better
    2. Raising A Child In The Village Vs City : Which One Is Better?
    3.  Ebonyi Vs Enugu: which is better to live in?
  • Being an Introvert Vs Extrovert, Which One Is Better?

    introvert vs. extrovert which one is better? Being an Introvert or an Extroverted person is something I consider to be natural while some can choose to adapt to have any of the two. however, I discovered, in the course of my research, that while some people have chosen to be an indoor person, some are still confused about being an Introvert vs. Extrovert, which one is better? this and many other related questions are what we shall treat comprehensively in this blog post, and have you choose which one best defines you.

    Being an Introvert vs. Extrovert, Which One Is Better?

    Whether you choose to be an introvert or an extrovert is something I consider to be based on personal preferences subject to individual circumstances.

    Each of these personality types has its reasons why a different person may opt for them. it is worth noting that amidst their different strength and weaknesses, what works for others may not be the best option for you and that is why I have always considered it to be a personal stuff. so here are some of the qualities attributed to introverts and extroverts.

    Is It Better To Be an Introvert?

    Being an introvert is a personality that many people have always admired. with its uniqueness, it is believed to be peace-giving and time to stay alone and reflect upon your life. However, here are some other good qualities of an introvert.

    1. Listening Skill

    Introverts tend to be very good at listening. they are good listeners and pay very much attention to observation.

    2. Concentration and Focus

    Introverts have more concentration and focus which makes them excel in every task that requires such features. they pay concentration to whatever thing they’re doing at that moment in time.

    3. Independent Life

    They are mostly independent and self-sufficient, wherein they work diligently with every focus to ensure they have their lives to live as they want.

    4. Good Relationship

    Introverts are often good for making deep and meaningful one-on-one relationships. They are not good at making friends but they are such good people to make good relationships with.

    5. Secrete Keeping

    Introverts are a set of people that you can leave your secret with and still have it as a secret. this because they do not even have many friends to gossip about your problem with. they prefer staying alone to talking to just anybody. they do not enjoy the company of everybody. that is what increases the chances of the safety of your secrets.

    6. Productivity

    Introverts have this characteristic of staying alone or with few people. this is what gives them the space and opportunity to think creatively with their innovative mindset. in this way, they have a full productive day and makes them grow in being self-dependent.

    Is It a Choice To Be An Extrovert?

    Yes, like I said above, being an extrovert is a choice based on the type of life you may want to live. however, let me add to your knowledge, some good things you may enjoy about being an extrovert:

    1. Socializing and Networking

    Being an extrovert means being an outgoing type and having the quality of socialization and networking. this is an advantage of being an extrovert. you will always socialize with others and reduce boredom.

    2. Confident

    Because they relate to almost all type of people daily, they are often confident enough within themselves and they are approachable.

    3. Leadership Roles

    Extroverts tend to do better in terms of leadership roles. they typically excel because they are open to exposing their charismatic nature. After all, it involves motivating and communications with others.

    4. Adaptability

    The adaptable nature of extroverts is what people admire the most. they tend to adapt very fast to the everchanging world that we live in today. this means that they can typically live in every society of the world without getting down to boredom.

    5. Teamwork

    With their socializing and networking quality, they have this competence of making the best teamwork. they tend to thrive in a collaborative environment which makes them an effective circle of friends to be with.

    Introvert vs. Extrovert , Which One Is Better?

    On the quality of introvert vs. extrovert, no one is better. the choice is a personal one and the choice is subject to the kind of life you want to live. If you have always admired and wished to be an introvert, note the qualities above which includes, listening skill, concentration, focus, and many more. and if you have always wished to be an extrovert, you are simply wishing to expose yourself to the quality of adaptability, socializing, and networking which is why they are the best to have a team work with.


  • Is School Really A Scam? Why You Should Have A Side Hustle As a Student

    There has been ongoing confusion among students especially in Nigeria as the majority of the students really want to know if school is really a scam. this post is specially meant to tell you every reason why you should have a side hustle as a student. keep reading to find out!

    Education today has been perceived to mean a distraction from life pursuits especially in African Countries. This is because of the lack of job opportunities created by the government.
    This post is here to address the need for students to have side work as they continue their educational pursuits.

    Do I Need A Side Job As A Student?

    This is a common question among students who are at 6 & 7 of either school or work. But the truth is that, if you are smart enough, you can actually place a balance between the two. This forms the topic of this post as we shall unveil and know the reasons why you should have a side hustle as a student.

    Why You Should Have A Side Hustle As A Student.

    Noting the importance of western education today, it is very clear that it is more express to acquire when you have the money to balance it. Undermining the role of money in education institutions is as equal to not recognizing the basic tools needed for the acquisition of education. This means that you have every reason to always have a side job that will enable you to continue and succeed in school.
    Let us open the box to discover those reasons:

    1. It Gives Financial Independence

    Having a side hustle as a student gives the financial independence, distracting you from the reliance on your father or mother or even going to take a student loan. this simply means that when you have a side hustle as a student, you can always afford to buy what you want in school without having to bother your parents or siblings.

    2. Real-World Experience

    When you have a side job, it can earn you the chance to have Real-World Experience where you’d learn life by experience. real world teaches a comprehensive lesson that may not be thought in schools, such as, time management, customer service, problem-service and many more other things.

    3.  Networking Opportunities

    Having a side job also gives you the opportunity to have interaction with other people in real life giving you the link to potential people leading to valuable connections and a wide range of meaningful friendships.

    4. Gives Work Experience

    Having a side hustle gives a work experience. it is obvious that many employers today tend to appreciate students more when they have already have a work experience even if it is unrelated to their field of study.  with this work resume, it will enhance your ability and make you more competitive in the industry.

    5. Exploration of Interests

    When choosing a career path, it is always better an easier when you have had a test of some jobs in different industries. this will help you make an informed decision. having a side job helps one to explore in different area of life.

    6. Diversification of Income

    A side hustle helps a student earn from a diversified means. a student of 20 years of age can actually earn more like he is 40 when he plays wise by having a smart means of income. It gives self-dependent when you have a passive income from a side job as a student.

    7. Entrepreneurial Skills

    A side hustle could be a very nice pathfinder to entrepreneurship if you’re an entrepreneurial-minded person. It offers a low-risk environment to start and test business ideas.

    8.  Helps You Build  A Savings Habit

    Earning from a diverse source requires that you have some savings as you hope for graduation and face the real world. this is what side hustle also teaches, how to save up during the rainy season so as to smile wide when the land is dry. this will come up as a savior in the matter of emergencies.

    9. Preparing for Emergencies

    Having a side job as a student entails that you are getting ready for any form of expenses that may come up as a matter of emergency. just like it is called “emergency”, it may not really give you the chance and opportunity to call for help from  your friends or relatives. so this is another reason why you should have a side hustle as a student.

    10. It Gives Financial Security After Graduation

    Having a side hustle gives a stable financial start after graduation offering more hope for success in your post-graduation life.


    Other Reason Why You Should Endeavor To Have A Side-Job As a Student

    1. A side hustle aids as an extra source of money in school
    2. When you have that extra income, it will make your academic path express
    3. It serves as a major role to human support in education (in this case)
    4. It brings more respect from both friends and families alike.
    5. It gives you that opportunity to stand tall among your friends


  • 15 Reasons Why Living In The Village Is Better Than In The City

    There have been controversial arguments about whether living in the city is better than living in the village. it remains yet to be taken to a definite conclusion. This blog post shall write and state 15 reasons why living in the village is better than in the city and also provide you answers to the basic questions that may pop into your mind. such questions like< Is Village better than City, why? Is living in the village worth it? How can I make money in the village? these and many other related questions shall form the topic of this post. keep reading!

    Is Village Better Than City?

    In my previous post, I have given a comprehensive list of the difference between a village and a town where I mentioned inter alia that a village life is a pure representation of a rural lifestyle while a city life remains a picture of life in the urban area.

    There are a lot more of cultural practices in the village whereas cities are purely grown with globalization. however, the reasons below shall concentrate on telling more about village life and its advantages thereof.

    Why Living In The Village Is Better Than In The City

    The age-old debate of living in the village and in the town continues to prosper. notwithstanding the many beautiful attributes given to life in the city, there are, however, some features of life in the village which makes life worthwhile. some of which include the following:

    1. Peaceful & Serene Environment:

    Unlike in the cities, there is a lower noise pollution in the village giving chance for calm, peaceful and serene environment.

     2. Fresher Air For Breath

    In the village where there is lesser air pollutions, the inhabitants therein happens to enjoy a better and fresher air unlike in the city where there are lots of air pollution and traffic congestion.

    3. Stronger Sense of Community

    Village settings happens to give a better and stringer sense of community where Neighbors know and easily relate with each other, fostering a genuine sense of belonging and support among them.

    4. Low Cost Of Living

    I think this is the  commonest advantage of living in the village. the cost of living in the village is very low because you don’t buy everything to survive. there is vegetation all over the places unlike in the city where you must pay for everything before you have it.

    5. Easier Access to Nature

    There is an easier connection to nature in the village setting with scenic landscapes, rivers, and forests at their doorstep. all these helps in promoting a healthier lifestyle in the village.

    6. Lower Crime Rates

    Because there is respect to cultural practices and norms, the fear of committing crimes is usually low. this helps in promoting a peaceful environment in the village.

    8. Abundant Green Spaces

    In the village, there is a large and free land spaces for parks, and gardens. these gives a higher opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.

    9. Sense of Tradition and History

    Living in the village gives you the sense to know more about your cultural heritage and tradition. the history of your traditions will always be fresh in your knowledge.

    10. Gives Agricultural Opportunities

    There are a lot of persons who live in the city that are interested in farming. all these are what you shall have as an added advantage when you live in the village. living in the village gives you an ample opportunity to do your own farm work and produce whatever food you want to eat at free cost price.

    11. Less Traffic Congestion

    Village setting is typically known for trekking to their destinations while some go with bike and any other means of transportation but these does not make roads in the village as congested as how it is in the cities. this is another reasons why living in the village is better than in the city.

    12. Close-Knit Schools

    There is a closer schools in the community of every villages giving more and/or easier access to education where pupils do not have  to stress themselves before getting to the classrooms.

    13. Genuine Relationships

    It is obvious that relationships in the village is  more genuine with love unlike in the city where relationships are more of transactional make it easy to buy friendship with money.

    14. Lower Noise Pollutions

    If you have lived in the city, you will understand how overwhelming the noises in the environments could be. with the help of proliferation of churches and industries came an increase of noise pollutions. while village offers quitter and more tranquil environment, it is more peaceful for relaxation.

    15. Stronger Family Bonds

    Unlike in the city, village life creates stronger family bonds because the family have more quality time to spend together and tighten the bonds.


    Whether choosing to live in the village or in the city, the choice is personal and subject to your reasons. One can choose to better go to live in the city for the reason of the ample opportunities to success while some may come with their of reasons why they may choose to live in the city. the above mentioned as 15 Reasons why living in the village is better than in the city is just to tell you why living in the village is good and not any better however.

    Living in the village is good and living in the city is also good. you should make your personal choice with your personal reason.

  • 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Money Over Love

    The choice between money and love is a deeply personal and subjective matter, and as such there is no definite answer to it. Each individual’s circumstances, values, and priorities differ, so what may be the right choice for one person may not apply to another. That said, we are going to give you some comprehensive reasons why you should choose money over love in this blog post.

    Is it Really Good to Choose Money Over Love?

    The truth is that money and love are important factors needed in every friendship. when there is no love in a relationship, it is nearly impossible for such a relationship to last. in the same vein, friendship in today’s world requires a lot of money to make it better and sustainable. a relationship without money stands a good chance of being doomed.

    Therefore, it is really good to choose money over love in today’s world. In this post, I will write down more reasons why you should choose money over love and, if you have chosen love beforehand, it will serve as a substantial reason you should have it as a wise decision.

    Why You Should Choose Money Over Love

    Like I mentioned in the introduction above, the choice between love and money is a personal and subjective one. one man’s meat could be another’s poison. there are individual preferences and such preferences are usually built by/for cause/reason.

    Although some individuals still prefers to choose love over money, it could be an informed decision for them, but this post is really to get you informed on why you should choose money over love. those reasons includes that:

    1. Financial Stability

    We all know that money gives stability in life. for one who places his loved ones on a high priority, it is important that you have what is needed to provided what is needed. with money , you can easily afford whatever thing you want in life. but love can not afford you even the basic needs in life. I have seen people buy houses, cars, Foods, and maintaining their healthcare with the use of money but it is very rare for one to get these things with love. Money gives one a  financial stability ensuring financial security for themselves and their loved ones.

    2. Money Can Take You To Places

    With money, one can easily afford to fare his transportation to any part of the world. going and visiting best places for fun. but love cannot afford you to even travel to your closest cities. I am sure that Bill Gates can afford to move round the one, but a poor man cannot afford such.

    3. Money Can Buy Love

    Yes, money can buy love and there is no much doubt over it. when you have money, you can easily lure love to your side. you can have the biggest influence on people forcing them to love you (subjectively). but a poor man in love cannot even afford to buy the love from the people they love. people can easily believe you love them when you can afford to give them money and provide their financial needs but without money, the idea of love could be considered to be a disturbance around.

    4. Independence

    Money gives independence in life. when you have money, the sort of financial dependence happens to end when you can get whatever thing that is buyable. Money gives freedom and self-reliance where you can have the choice of decision without having to rely on someone else’s money.

    5. Pursuing & Achieving Goals

    With money, one can easily pursue his dreams in life. When you have the money it takes to achieve your goals, it can make the aspirations a reality. giving more reasons to be passionate in your goals in life.

    6. Reducing Stress

    Money helps reduce stress where you can easily hire people to do your works for you. but when you love someone, such a person can hardly devote his time to help you with some works to reduce the stress of it. this why you should choose money over love.

    7. Peace of Mind

    Money gives peace of mind for real. you can only notice this when there is an emergency that needs money to be solved. you will understand that it is very peaceful to have money and have some for emergency for instance, loss of job or medical issues.

    8. Investing in the Future

    Money aids one to have a future investments in his life. anyone without money lacks the courage and the resources needed to invest in his future.  we all know that Money can be invested to secure one’s future, such as saving for retirement, funding children’s education, or building wealth over time. I think there are so many reasons why you should choose money over love in a relation or in any kind of friendship to mention.

    9. Protecting Loved Ones

    With money you can have the influence needed to protect your loved ones. in addition to this, you could have some money that can extend to the financial well-being of others making easier for your loved ones to grow in wealth too, without having to suffer much before making it in life.

    10. Freedom of Choice

    This is the tenth reason why you should choose money over love in any form of friendship in the world.  Do you know that you can have variety of options to choose from when you have money? money gives freedom of choice on what lifestyle you want to live or even freedom to support charitable causes.


    The choice between money and love is a  personal one, and there is no right or wrong answer. What matters most is aligning one’s choices with their values and priorities, whether your choice is to prioritize financial stability or pursuing love, or even the option to place a balance between the two.

    Additionally, love and money are not mutually exclusive; many couples successfully manage their finances together. this means that choosing money over love doesn’t really mean that one has rejected love or his relationship with friends. but he is only placing a priority on money.

  • 20 Reasons Why Single-gender Schools Are Better For Students?

    We have been seeing the trending question from people with the curiosity to know which of the schools are better but in this blog post, we going to unveil the truth and tell you Why Single-gender schools are better for students. 

    Why Single-gender schools are better for students?

    The truth is that it is usually difficult to determine whether you should choose a single-gender school or a school where both genders are combined as students.  This article is meant to give you 20 comprehensive reasons Why Single-gender schools are better for students so read carefully if you are interested in this post.

    Is A Single-sex school A Better Option for High School Students?

    This question has been become a trend in the mind of many individual as they thrive to make an informed decision when it comes to their education.

    In the primary school level, you could opt to take your kid (s) to any of the school either single-sex school or mixed school. however, in the high school, it is always a difficult thing in determining which one to choose as have as a wise decision. this is why i have written this comprehensive article to help you make an informed decision as i shall leave you with 20 Reasons Why Single-gender Schools Are Better For Students? keep reading!

    Why Single Gender Schools Are Better Than Mixed Schools?

    Single-gender schools have been a topic of debate for years, with proponents highlighting numerous advantages for students. Here are 20 reasons why some believe that single-gender schools can be better for students:

    1.  In a single gender school, students have the opportunity to concentrate on their studies,
    2. The growth of lust for an opposite gender becomes lower where students will not have the opportunity to see an opposite gender,
    3. They will have the self-confidence in school,
    4. There is no distraction from the other gender,
    5. Students at single-gender schools may be less likely to struggle with problems in conduct,
    6. For teachers, it gives them the chance of concentrating on their teaching without distraction,
    7. Single-gender schools permits students and teachers to concentrate on tailored curriculum,
    8. Single-sex school washes shyness away from students making it easier to face their studies,
    9. It creates hardworking students,
    10. Students are less likely to adhere to established gender expectations When they are not influenced by peers of the opposite gender,
    11. Single gender schools make students to develop higher self-esteem and self-worth without comparing themselves to other gender,
    12. Obviously, there is less peer pressure, particularly concerning appearance and behavior when there will be no need to dress and look good for other gender,
    13. Without fear and/or shyness, students may be more willing in class discussions, where they will be more ready to participate in extracurricular activities, and leadership roles in school,
    14. Students in single-gender schools tends to perform better (academically) because they will be more focused in learning environments,
    15. It provide a better, comfortable and conducive learning environment for students,
    16. Students feels more comfortable while discussing emotional and personal issues with friends of the same gender,
    17. Students learn to interact with members of the opposite gender in social environments outside of school, which can lead to healthier relationships,
    18. Single gender schools tends to seduced gender bias in Extracurriculars,
    19. The teaching approaches for students can easily be tailored to the dynamics of a single gender group,
    20. Students may have a better opportunities to assume leadership roles in student organizations and activities.


    Conclusion – Why Single-gender Schools Are Better For Students?

    It’s important to note that the effectiveness of single-gender schools can vary depending on individual students and their unique needs and preferences. While some students thrive in single-gender environments, others may prefer coeducational environments. Ultimately, the choice of school should align with the student’s academic and social needs.

    This means that before you make your choice to take your child to either mixed school or s single-gender school, you should understand your kid and know the type of environment he prefers and thrives better in.

  • Male Education vs. Female Education Which One Is Better?

    When it comes to Western education in Africa, there is always this controversy about which gender is better to be trained, between male or female This blog post shall delve deep to provide an answer to the controversy: Male Education vs. Female Education Which One Is Better?

    What is Education? | Overview of Western Education.

    The Oxford English Dictionary defines Education to mean “the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.”

    Generally, education is the process of acquiring and/or imparting knowledge for the purpose of changing one’s sense of reasoning and judgment and adding more value to one’s intellectual capacity.

    Most times, people use the word education and literacy interchangeably in their explanation of the ability to read and write. although the meaning is that one can only read and/or write if such a person is educated and thus literate, it is also important to reiterate here that education and literacy are not the same thing but may be used in the absence of the other.

    Why Is Education Important In Society?

    The importance of education can never be over emphasized, I will mention some few reasons why education is important and state also, why male education is better than female education in the society.

    Economic growth,

    We all know that education has a major influence in building the nation’s economic growth. With education we tend to get more employment opportunities that influence the employment rate and increase the earnings of the employees. This sharpens the economic growth in the society making life a better place to live.


    Obviously, there is a widespread difference between the educated people and the illiterate. This is because the educated ones is always bold and courageous enough to take any action in their live. Education gives them the confidence to face whatever life throws at them and take any responsibility that comes their ways.

    Helps Fight Against poverty

    Talking about education as way of reducing poverty, it means that education help limelight our income and earnings by way of bringing white kola-jobs. When you are educated, you have a diverse opportunity of getting a better and more lucrative job that could increase your earnings and thereby reducing the rate of poverty in the country.

    When there is a high rate of education, it increases the creativity of human minds while managing the resources in the country. To be honest, a creative mind is a fertile land for growth. This as said, would make every creative mind an employer that would need an employees, this therefore has increased productivity and reduces the rate of poverty in the country.

    community development

    With education, the people in the rural community get to understand the major ways of developing their community in the fastest ways. Skills and technologies are taught in school, their earning possibilities has increased thereby giving a wide chance of great challenges for development in the society.


    Education gives stability in life. This is usually an added advantage of education because it gives financial stability. Anyone who is educated has a greater chance of getting a better paying job that could earn him a living and set a financial independence for him.

    Other Added Benefits of Education Includes The Following:

    • Critical thinking,
    • Financial security,
    • Education enhances creativity,
    • Reduces crimes,
    • Career preparation,
    • Education promotes equality,
    • It promotes National interest,
    • It promotes National unity,
    • Education widens our chance of success


    Male Education vs. Female Education Which One Is Better?

    Amidst the numerous importance of education in every society, there is always this debate of: Male Education vs. Female Education Which One Is Better? I will write a self-explanatory article in this blog post and have you make your best choice. keep reading!

    The truth is that, when it comes to education, there is no gender that is exempted from such. In Nigeria for instance, it is one of the fundamental rights of every citizens to gain free access to education to the high of his choice.

    It’s not appropriate or accurate to claim that one gender’s education is inherently better than the other. Both males and females deserve equal access to quality education, and any suggestion otherwise goes against principles of gender equality and inclusivity. Education should be a universal right, and it should not be restricted or favored based on gender.

    Every gender has the inherently right to education. both male and female is reserved the right to education and any one who goes contrary to such is promoting gender inequality.

    Conclusion – Male Education vs. Female Education Which One Is Better?

    Every gender has the inherently right to education. every both male and female is reserved the right to education and any one who goes contrary to such is promoting gender inequality. So the right answer to your question: Male Education vs. Female Education Which One Is Better? is that, no gender has more right to education since education teaches equality and inclusivity, every gender is entitled to it, however.


  • Should we ban homework: Does homework promote learning?

    The debate and debate of whether we should ban homework in school keeps increasing uncertainty and different people have come up with their own different opinions.  However, this article shall cover an answer to the question: Should we ban homework: Also, determine whether or not, homework promotes learning especially for kids in the kindergarten levels.

    Should we ban homework: Does homework promote learning?

    Arguments For Banning of Homework:

    While some are of the opinion that homework has not contributed to better achievement of students in school, they believe that too much homework for students especially those in higher school, can lead to both poor grades and an increase in both mental and physical trauma as they would be more concerned on how to pass their homework than giving out their time to read more of what they are taught at school. The point of this argument is that students can do anything to make sure they have good marks in their grades through homework but pay less attention to learning and understanding what they are taught.

    Moreover, some findings has shown that most students end up doing their homework through their seniors or other people in a higher level of education than they. However, this could be a contributing factor to why homework assists in achieving poor grades at school.

    Homework is usually given to students for their personal tests on their learning capacities but it’s been shown that most students are more interested in passing their grades than learning how to pass at school. This means that when you give them homework, it’ll help them pass well but not help them learn well because they assignment in question was not originally done by them.


    Arguments Against Banning of Homework:

    However, some are of the opinion that giving homework to students is a better option it improves their learning skills.

    • It Improves Memory: giving homework to students improves their memory because they get to revise and memorize the things that they’re been taught in school while doing their homework. It draws them to read their books while doing their homework which makes it more difficult to forget even after the session.
    • It helps Students learn time management: when students are given assignments to do at home, they’ll have to schedule their time to contain the several other things that they have to do by that day. In this way, they learn time management.
    • Accountability and Responsibility: this is true because, when students are given assignments in schools, it teaches them to meet up with deadlines and therefore prepare them for their real life professions.
    • Preparation For Higher Education: if you are a university student or a high school graduate, you will know more about the workloads on students. When students are given assignments in their early schools, it will enable them to prepare ahead of their high school workloads. There, assignments and other assessments helps students to make good results after each semester.
    • Boosts Students’ Results: like I said before, homework has a mark as a reward for anyone who passes well. With this, students can add up to their mark in exam and thus boost their exam success.
    • Parental involvement and awareness: Homework can also serve as a means of involving parents in their child’s education. It provides parents with insight into what their children are learning in school and encourages them to be active participants in their child’s academic journey.

    In Conclusion

    The ban of homework in school is should be carefully reviewed by school management before implementation. This is to access the students need and determine whether or not giving them homework as an assignment could serve as guide for their academic success and life time improvement or it will serve as a hindrance to their concentration in school.


  • Should Mobile Devices Be Banned In School? Yes or No

    This piece of writing is centered on the debate topic: Should Mobile Devices Be Banned In School? : Yes or No? however, this article shall provide a contribution to why mobile devices should be banned in school and why Banning mobile devices (cell phones, smartphones) at schools is not appreciated by many.

    When a particular topic is debated, it is expected that the best knowledge on it is dug out in order to bring the importance and the most relevant information about the topic. This means that my point here on the topic “Should Mobile Devices Be Banned In School?  would be majorly focused on the relevance of the uses of mobile devices (Cell phones, smartphones, laptops, etc.) at school, and the negative effects of mobile devices on students.

    Should Mobile Devices Be Banned In School?

    The question of whether mobile devices should be banned in schools is a contentious one, and the answer may vary depending on various factors, including the age group of students, the educational goals, and the specific policies of the school.

    Here are arguments both for and against banning mobile devices in schools:

    Why Mobile Devices Should Be Banned In School?

    Here is an argument is favor of the ongoing debate of whether mobile devices should be banned in school or not.

    • Minimizing Distractions: the tallest point against the use of mobile phones in school is that it helps to minimize distraction on the students. it has come to the notice of both teachers and parents alike, that mobile devices has become a significant means of distraction as students most times get tempted with their smartphones to visit social media, play games  or such other non-academic activities that is capable of dividing their attentions in school. this means that allowing students to come to classrooms with their mobile devices can detract them from their learning experience in school.
    • Reducing Cyberbullying: mobile devices has become a platform for cyberbullying where most students sends hurtful messages to their mates and/or shares indecent contents to their peers. this means that placing a ban on the use of mobile devices can help reduce such act of cyber bullying between students.
    • Preventing Cheating: Most students these days rely on the use of mobile phones to make success in their exam because they have easier access to every information online making it easier for them to cheating during exams or assignments. this means that banning the use of mobile devices can help reduce or prevents the students from cheating.
    • Promoting Face-to-Face Interaction: this is true because, the use of mobile devices can hinder in-person communication where students can easily connect with themselves online or through phone calls. banning the use of mobile phones can help promote face-to-face interactions among students in schools.


    Why Mobile Devices Should Not Be Banned In School?

    By this, we mean Arguments Against Banning Mobile Devices in School: the following are some points in favor of students using mobile phones in schools.

    • Educational Tools: the use of mobile devices by students serves as educational tools that enhances their learning techniques. Mobile devices such as smartphones, iPads, tablets and other devices can provide access to a wealth of information, educational apps, and other resources that can enhance the learning experience of the students.
    • Digital Literacy: Allowing the responsible use of mobile devices in schools can help students become more proficient in using technology, a skill that is essential in the modern workforce especially in the increasingly digital world today where students need to develop digital literacy skills.
    • Accessibility: Mobile devices has created easier access to education especially to the disabled through screen readers and speech-to-text software. it provide accessibility features for such students which could be essential for enhancing their learning and participation in the classroom.
    • Preparation for Real World: Allowing students to learn the use of these devices responsibly can be valuable for their future careers. this means that banning the use of mobile devices in schools may hinder them and not prepare such students for the reality of the modern world, where mobile technology is often a part of everyday life.
    • Parental Communication: Allowing students to use mobile devices in school can be a means of easier communication with their parents or guardians in case of emergencies or when it is necessary to schedule changes for visitation, providing peace of mind to both students and parents.

    Conclusion – Balancing Act:

    The debate over whether to ban mobile devices in schools is ultimately a balancing act between mitigating distractions and harnessing the educational potential of these devices. Some schools have implemented policies that allow mobile device use for educational purposes while restricting non-academic use during class time. Others have chosen to ban them outright during school hours.

    It’s always important for schools to consider the specific needs and circumstances of their students and develop policies that strike a balance between reaping the benefits of mobile technology and minimizing its potential demerits. Moreover, to assist students in using mobile devices effectively and responsibly, teaching responsible and ethical digital behaviors should be a vital component of every school’s curriculum.


  • See Why A Day School Is Better Than Boarding School : 12 Reasons

    In my previous article, I write about why boarding school is better than a day school. Now, I am in this article writing to also establish to your understanding of why a day school is better than a boarding school for your kids.

    Most parents usually get confused in the quest to decide which of the schools they should take their kids to these school. this actually sounds so easy but it isn’t.

    What Is A Day School?

    A day school is simply known to be the kind of academic program where students are permitted to live with their parents and/or guardians while they attend school during the school days and partake in every school activity.

    In this type of school program, students are permitted to live wherever they like outside the school environment.

    What Is The Difference Between A Day School and Boarding School?

    Noting on the difference between these types school, it should be easy to agree that there is no much difference between them save for the fact that students in the boarding school are those who live in the school dormitory and does their daily activities within the school environment while a day school students live outside the school premises either on the independent self or with their parents and/or guardian.

    It should be noted that schools who offer both a day and boarding tend to be more affordable because the tuition fee is much more lower than either boarding or a day school singularly.


    Why A Day School Is Better Than Boarding School?

    There are many reasons why a day school is held to be better than  boarding school. although these reasons are not a strong hold of why you should not take your child to a boarding school if you can’t afford them studying in a boarding school.

    Why you may prefer a day school:

    1. Students are more exposed to the society which gives them the chance to learn more of the politics in the society.
    2. Students who are registered in a day school have the chances of rendering home service (s) to their parents/guardians in terms of errand.
    3. They have more parent-child relationship.
    4. A child who is in a day school  can easily learn to be self dependent even before he graduate from secondary education.
    5. Students tends to have a better relationship with his siblings at home.
    6. In term of school environment, a day school is better because there is wider space for school activities.
    7. There is a diverse game activities for students in a day school, because of the number 6 above.
    8. Students are more exposed to their culture and traditional ways of life because they are closer to the people’s culture.
    9. They get to learn to speak their local dialect better than those in boarding school who are only permitted to speak a general language which is mostly English language.
    10. A child in a day school is more cared for.
    11. When a child is sick, the parent can offer more care to him who is in a day school.
    12. Students in are safer to their parents and/or guardians in terms of moral upbringing.


    Whether or not a boarding school is better than a day school is not a thing to put into much consideration. both boarding schools and a day school offer a good academic services in terms of imparting knowledge into the brain.

    What to consider should always be the reputation of the school. how well they are known to have offered their services to develop the child and make them a better student as they prepare for their future.